:py:mod:`wandb_utils.commands.files` ==================================== .. py:module:: wandb_utils.commands.files Module Contents --------------- .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: files_on_wandb(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: str, project: str, run: str, output_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path], include_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[copy, move, delete] = 'copy') -> None .. py:data:: files_input .. py:function:: files_command(df: pandas.DataFrame, api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], sweep: Optional[str], run: str, files: Optional[str], files_from_file: Optional[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], destination: Literal[wandb, local], overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[move, copy, delete] = 'copy') -> None Add new files to an existing run `run` on wandb or copy files from an existing run to local. `run` is the id of an existing. This run should already exist. If chaining, the run ids can be obtained from the DataFrame of the previoius command. To use chaining, `run` has to be set to 'df' and the DataFrame from the previous command should have a column named 'run'. .. py:function:: process_run(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], run: str, files: Optional[str], files_from_file: Optional[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], destination: Literal[wandb, local], overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[move, copy, delete] = 'copy') -> None .. py:function:: get_globs(globs: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]] Create list of final paths to include. .. py:function:: get_files(include_filter: List[str], exclude_filter: List[str]) -> List[pathlib.Path] .. py:function:: add_files(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], run: str, files: List[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path]) -> None