Downloading files for runs from wandb ======================================= Use `files` command to download run files either for a single run or a bunch of runs through chaining. Downloading files for a single run -------------------------------------- .. code-block:: console $ wandb-utils \ files \ -f "+ *log*|- *output*" \ --base-path tests/commands/assets \ --destination local \ --action move \ --overwrite \ yn7uvkia Downloading files for multiple runs ------------------------------------- Chaining can be used to download/delete files for multiple runs. .. code-block:: console $ wandb-utils \ all-data --filters "{\"sweep\": {\"\$in\": [\"vg17h6fd\"]} }" \ filter-df -f run \ files -f "+ *.json" --destination local --action copy --base-path temp df .. note:: If the :code:`--action` is :code:`move` instead of :code:`copy`, then after downloading, the file on wandb server will be deleted. Similarly :code:`--action delete` can be used to delete files from wandb server. .. code-block:: console $ wandb-utils \ all-data --filters "{\"sweep\": {\"\$in\": [\"vg17h6fd\"]} }" \ filter-df -f run \ files -f "+ *.json" --destination wandb --action delete df