Getting Data

The all-data command can be used to get the logged data for your runs from wandb.

Usage: wandb-utils all-data [OPTIONS]

  --filters DICT  Filter used while querying wandb for runs. It uses MongoDB
                  query syntax. See
                  api/runs and
                  andb/apis/ for how the query is used. See
                  learn about all the query operators in MongoDB query.
  --help          Show this message and exit.


The following invocation will get the data for all the runs associated with any of the listed sweeps in project_name. You can use –filters to pass any other query in MongoDB syntax If you drop the –filters, flag it will get the data for all the runs.

$ wandb-utils \
--entity username \
--project project_name \
all-data \
--filters "{\"sweep\":{\"$in\":[ \"b3blcsq3\",\"1lt6xnar\",\"gybgwkl0\",\"bpgd2q0a\"]}}

However, to print the fetched data or to save it to file you will have to chain the print command

$ wandb-utils \
--entity username \
--project project_name \
all-data \
--filters "{\"sweep\":{\"$in\":[ \"b3blcsq3\",\"1lt6xnar\",\"gybgwkl0\",\"bpgd2q0a\"]}} \
print -o runs.csv

Here is another example with a finer query.

$ wandb-utils \
-e team \
-p project_name \
all-data \
--filters "{\"sweep\": {\"\$nin\":[\"gfqkggbm\"]}, \"username\": {\"\$in\":[\"auser\"]}, \"created_at\":{\"\$gte\": \"2021-08-05 00:00:00\"}}" \

At this point, I don’t what database fields are exposed for querying through wandb API, so I just use trial and error to figure out what is available.