
Module Contents

wandb_utils.commands.files.files_on_wandb(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: str, project: str, run: str, output_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path], include_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[copy, move, delete] = 'copy') None
wandb_utils.commands.files.files_command(df: pandas.DataFrame, api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], sweep: Optional[str], run: str, files: Optional[str], files_from_file: Optional[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], destination: Literal[wandb, local], overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[move, copy, delete] = 'copy') None

Add new files to an existing run run on wandb or copy files from an existing run to local.

run is the id of an existing. This run should already exist.

If chaining, the run ids can be obtained from the DataFrame of the previoius command. To use chaining, run has to be set to ‘df’ and the DataFrame from the previous command should have a column named ‘run’.

wandb_utils.commands.files.process_run(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], run: str, files: Optional[str], files_from_file: Optional[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path], destination: Literal[wandb, local], overwrite: bool = False, action: Literal[move, copy, delete] = 'copy') None
wandb_utils.commands.files.get_globs(globs: List[str]) Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Create list of final paths to include.

wandb_utils.commands.files.get_files(include_filter: List[str], exclude_filter: List[str]) List[pathlib.Path]
wandb_utils.commands.files.add_files(api: wandb.PublicApi, entity: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], run: str, files: List[pathlib.Path], base_path: Optional[pathlib.Path]) None